A man and his bike in search of the
best cycling & marketing projects


Hi there! I am Filippo Mari aka The Bohemian Cyclist.

After spending over a decade in the corporate I have decided to quit and dedicate my life to cycling. So for the last 10+ years I have been trying to have an impact in the bike world trying to spread the passion for this amazing sport which is not only about the workout but it is for me pure adventure and discovery. 

I have founded a bike company that offers tours and holidays. A bike hub where those who dedicated their lives to the two wheels find a place where to express themselves and make a living. I built a website that makes self-guided bikepacking and touring, easier. I design bike-themed t-shirt and accessories. I write articles for magazines. I make videos. I also work as a marketing freelance, content producer and video maker for interesting projects that come my way. I am surrounded by amazing people with the same life philosophy who help making my projects happen. I am brand ambassador for BIKEWORKX, Mitas Tyres and Endura.

So welcome to my world. I hope you find it interesting and inspirational.


Since I left the corporate and started being an entrepreneur, I have been very active. I have founded 5 companies and 1 clothing brand.


I am an active videomaker. I of course love to make outdoor and cycling videos but I also enjoy making ads, cooking videos and documentaries.


I love to write, particularly about cycling and video/content making. In the years I covered many topics: new trends, bikepacking, how-to, fashion, lifestyle.

I write copies for ads, short stories and most of all, articles for on-line cycling magazines.


I am in continuous evolution and that is only possible by surrounding myself with interesting skillfully people. A great way to do that is via cooperation. I write articles for bike magazines, I create contents, I consult companies both in marketing and sales, I design websites and many other things…


In the last 10+ years of activity me and my projects were covered several times by the local and international press. National Geographic among them. My latest achievement as been having one of the rides I designed in the Czech Republic make it to Lonely Planet “Epic rides of Europe” book. 

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Contact me

I am based in the Czech Republic. My office is located @ Biko Kolektiv in Prague: Vratislavova st. 58/3, 12800 Vysehrad.